iFeed is a one-day event where over 50,000 dried meals are packed and boxed to send to World Missions Outreach in Nicaragua.
This past Saturday, our Wisconsin team from La Crosse packed 61,000 bags of food and collected hundreds and hundreds of cans for local food pantries.
Olivia Severson was inspired by the Church's trip to Nicaragua and WMO. She worked with the local rotary clubs and the Interact (high school rotary) clubs at other schools to do a food bag packing event.
This event will hep provide the food that World Missions Outreach uses in our daily meals.
15,000 meals a day.
5.4 Million Meals a year!
Congratulations! The Interact Clubs of Aquinas, Central, Logan, Holmen and West Salem earned the 2015 Interact Video Awards “Best Video” Award! Watch how these 5 Interact clubs united a community to help end hunger!
Thank you for your generous hearts and willingness to serve others!
If you are interested in hosting your own iFeed program in your community