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Vertical Life Church Mission Team Day 2

Vertical Life Mission Team spend the day at Pastor Douglas's Church in Samaria, one of WMO's 80 church programs.

Atlanta's Pastor Brad, gave today's sermon.

What we learned-

Jesus's name means - Yahweh Saves

The Great 'I Am' is used 7 special ways.

1. I Am the bread of life - spiritual bread for the spiritually hungry. 2. I Am the light of the world. You will never walk in the dark without God going before you to light the next step. 3. I Am the door of the sheep - (pasture of life) anyone who enters by Him will come into the pasture of life and be saved. 4. I Am the good shepherd - he lays down his life for the sheep. Jesus is the shepherd for the lost sheep. He is always searching for His lost sheep 5. I am the true vine. - He is the the vine for your growth and you are the branches. You can not produce fruit without the Vine. 6. I am the way, the truth and the life. - Only one way to God. He is not a way. He is the way. The only way. 7. I am the resurrection and the life - whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.

Nidia, Founder and Mission Director for All For His Glory, has been coming to WMO in Nicaragua for many years. She is no stranger to Pastor Douglas's church. The people greet her with open arms & love to have her speak and minister when she brings mission teams in.

The Vertical Life Church Mission Team had the opportunity to be the hands & feet of Christ by speaking & ministering to the church.

Harry helped the team out by translating for the congregation.

Vertical Life Church's Youth Pastor spoke to the Children during Children's church and the team helped serve each of their lunches.

The team served hot meals and passed out Hygiene Kits to over 130 people.

The Children sang us Praise & Worship songs

This is one of the programs that make up the 15,000 children that we provide food for daily.

Each child receives a hot nutritious meal. WMO Focuses on providing physical, mental and spiritual food.

Each person received a Hygiene pack after service.

The kids range from infants to teenagers!

After lunch, the VLC team played games & made mentoring with them fun!

There was Frisbee throwing.

Baseball bat swinging!

Bubble Catching!

Bubble Chasing!

Bubble Blowing

Bubble's were everywhere!

The air was filled with laughter and joy.

Needless to say, but day two was a success!

Thank you Vertical Life Church & All for His Glory Ministries for helping make a difference. You Rock!

If you are interested on planning your next Mission Trip, scroll to the top of the page and click 'Mission Trip' to find out more info and start planning. You can also email


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